Nato ad Arezzo nel 2003 partecipa all’undicesima Biennale giovani Artisti del Mediterraneo di Atene. Dopo aver completato gli studi alla Bezalel Academy di Gerusalemme, si laurea in disegno industriale al Politecnico di Milano con una tesi sulla semiotica delle vacanze. Ha lavorato presso numerosi studi di architettura e design. Si è occupato di scenografia e set design collaborando con Disney Italia e ha insegnato presso istituti privati.
Collabora o ha collaborato con numerose aziende e brand come: Panansonic, Heineken, Seletti, Campeggi, Mogg, Fiera di Verona, ecc… Pubblicati su numerose riviste internazionali i suoi progetti e prodotti, hanno ricevuto celebri premi e riconoscimenti come: Good Design award di Chicago, IF design award, Menzione d’onore compasso d’oro.
Nel 2013 è stato premiato dal presidente della Repubblica con premio nazionale per l’innovazione, comunemente conosciuto come “Premio dei premi”.
Emanuele Magini grew up in Arezzo, Italy. In 2003 he was invited to participate to the 11th Biennial Young Artist of the Mediterranean in Athens. He graduated in Industrial Design at the Politecnico di Milano with a thesis on the semiotics of the holidays, during his studies he was also awarded a scholarship to study in Bezalel Academy of Jerusalem, He worked in various architectural and design studios , participating in national and international projects such as: Casino of Campione d’Italy, Acqua Valverde, Campari, Banca Sella, Citroen.
In the meanwhile he was set-designer for Walt Disney Italy and an instructor for private institutions in the field of three-dimensional computer modelling. His projects have won national and international competitions, and have received awards such as the prestigious “Good Design Award from the Museum of Architecture and Design in Chicago”, “IF product design award”, and the “ special mention for the Compasso d’oro award In 2010 he founded his own studio “Magini Design Studio”. He currently collaborates also with the Politecnico di Milano and works with several different companies including: Panasonic, Heineken, Seletti and Campeggi, Gruppo Sintesi, Verona Fair.
In the 2013 He has be awarded by The Italian Repubblic president with the national innovation award, common called “Award of awards”