Il suo approccio all’oggetto è determinato da una visione sensibile sul mondo di oggi. Tenta di tradurre in 3 dimensioni un mondo di percezione: tatto diventa volume, la visuale diventa colore, e la frequenza diventa forma. Materiale ha il suo vocabolario, cerca di comporre con esso, di creare il suo linguaggio, basato sull’applicazione, sovrapponendo e confrontando materiali diversi. Pertanto l’oggetto ottiene un significato. Evoca, insinua, domande. Singola o multipla, il suo significato diventa coerente.
His approach of the object is determined by a sensitive outlook on today’s world. He attempt to translate in 3 dimensions a world of perception: touch becomes volume, visual becomes color, and frequency becomes shape. Material has its own vocabulary, he attempt to compose with it, to create my own language, based on applying, superimposing and confrontating different materials. Therefore the object gets a meaning. It evokes, insinuates, questions. Single or multiple, its meaning becomes coherent.
2013: “SKIN TOUCH” – Cornette de Saint Cyr , Brussels, Belgium
2013: “THE TOOL BOX” – La Triennale di Milano , Milan, Italy
2013: “L’OBJET D4UN DIALOGUE” – St Etienne, France
2013: “DAS WILDE DENKEN” – Berlin, Germany
2012: “Depot Basel” – Design Miami-Basel-Basel, suisse
2012: M&O – Paris, France
2012: D’Ieteren Gallery – Brussels, Belgium
2012:”Belgian design on tour” – liege, Belgique
2011:”PRELUDE 01 a dialogue” – Basel, Switzerland
2011:”Milan Design Week” – Milan, Italy
2011:”5 YEARS OF 101% DESIGNED IN BRUSSELS” – Milan, Italy
2011:”DIALOGUES” – BACC – Bangkok, Thailand
2011:”KICK CERAMIC” – Cultuurcentrum t’Vondel – Halle, Belgium
2010:”BORDERS” – Designed in Brussels galery – Brussels, Belgium
2010: Dessers Beeck galery – Keerbergen, Belgium
2010: M&O – Paris, France
2010:”Le genie de la matiere” CWB galery – Paris, France
2010: 22-birds galery – Cologne, Germany
2009: YDMI – Verona, Italy
2009: Diito galery – Brussels, Belgium
2009: M&O – Paris, France
2009: De nieuwe oogst – Brussels, Belgium
2009: DMY – Berlin, Germany
2009: Pastforward installation – Brussels, Belgium
2009: Milan Design Week – Milan, Italy
2008: Brussels day – Berlin, Germany
2008: Design september, Diito galery – Brussels, Belgium
2008: 100% design – London, UK
2008: ICFF – New York, USA
2008: exhibition 101% designed in brussels – Milan, Italy
2008: Salone Satellite – Milan, Italy
2008: IMM design talents – Cologne, Germany
2007: Salone Satellite – Milan, Italy
2007: KLUEDO designseptember – Brussels, Belgium
2012 “ABSOLUT BLANK” MAD – Brussels, Belgium
2010 “PLAYLIST” IMAL – Brussels, Belgium